Gladiatus forum
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yea but i have the worst shield :D
:D hellouuuu
(Roxio, 21. 11. 2007 20:30):D commander for the strongest weapon u are the first one but for the strongest shild 260 armor I have the strongest shild :D
(:D........................, 21. 11. 2007 20:00)Very funny thing that just we 3 are writing on the forum what about the other 7 members ??
(Belegond, 21. 11. 2007 17:37)you´d better leave him alone all you´ll end like him :D :D :D
(Kingdomcome, 21. 11. 2007 17:22)
lol Go to Highscores, then to Search, and search this guy out: Bacchus
ok, now you can laught.
tiruriru Kingdomcome
(Belegond, 21. 11. 2007 17:22)i´ll hope with you :D i´m really curious :)
(Kingdomcome, 21. 11. 2007 17:18)
its the only one in the mall...
maybe, just maybe... lol
To Belegond
(Kingdomcome, 21. 11. 2007 16:55)
:) and yours has a +20 health. cool
im trying to sell a Detergent Sponge in the mall for 2.000 hehehehe
Better Weapon
(Kingdomcome, 21. 11. 2007 16:48)
Does anyone have a better weapon than mine?
i have a Axe with:
Damage 8-15
Health +10
Skill +4
Agility +2
+1 Damage
Value 1.281
and i need a new one ;b
(Kingdomcome, 21. 11. 2007 16:46)
lol Belegond.
it hapens to the best of us, dont feel bad...
Nobody :D To Somebody
(Nobody, 21. 11. 2007 16:35)hey sory I don't speak slovakian :D my mistake . O thanks Commander Kingomcome
black humour
(Belegond, 21. 11. 2007 16:34)do u wanna hear something REALLY funny???!! i deleted recipe from the library, because i wanted to sell it to buy permanent recipe. and what? recipe disappeared...nice one, don´t you think???!!!!
(Belegond, 21. 11. 2007 16:03)you wrote as name Belegond and as head-line roxio :D. i didn´t see some like that before, but if you did, it´ll better to sell this one and wait for some, whic is permanent
(Belegond, 21. 11. 2007 16:00)One time I saw one recipe it was permanent so I think we just have to look a little more and then I think we gonna find one good recipe .
(Belegond, 21. 11. 2007 15:07)sure, now we´re about 220. place, i think that´s great! and i have new message for u, i bought recipe of agility and i put it to library. it´s giving one skill more of agility, but it looks like it´s just for limited time :((( it´s blocked now for two hours, then we can use it, but as i already wrote, it looks like it´s just for one i think recipes are for nothing... :((
(i can't get my name up, 22. 11. 2007 18:06)